An amazing college. Awesome roommate. Crazy fun friends. Exciting classes. Great teachers. Memories that will last a lifetime. Times flies. College is tough but I enjoy every minute of it, the good and the bad.
In commemoration of this past semester, I came up with this idea: a nail design for each class I had during the spring semester of my sophomore year in college.

Index finger: Genetics
Drosophila melanogaster is the scientific name for the fruit fly. It is commonly used in genetic research because it has a short life cycle and its DNA is easily manipulated. I spent this past semester crossing mutant flies and then looking at the offspring under a microscope. Looking at bugs close up totally freaks me out but I had to endure it as much as I possibly could for this class. It was definitely a different and interesting experience to work with live specimens in lab. We had to learn how to keep the flies ALIVE, first of all...ha, that was fun. For this design, I painted two Drosophila (they kinda look like paint blobs but they're supposed to be flies) and then the third fly is squished....hahaha. Science humor. Hey, science majors need to loosen up anyways, right?
Middle finger: Chemistry
Chemistry was experience. That's pretty much all I can say about it. My teacher was a little old man in a blue lab coat who talked in circles and really likes cats, especially the one that's the color of magnesium chloride. (Ha! More science humor? What else would you expect from a science major? But this was actually true. He mentioned that cat a few times.) Chemistry lab was always interesting at least. We did a new nifty experiment each week - now that's hands-on learning. For this design I painted a flask sitting on a lab table with a bright colored liquid with bubbles escaping.

Ring finger: Music Appreciation
This class was definitely a general education class. But given the choices of theatre, art, and music, of course I chose music. I have played clarinet now for almost nine years. Needless to say this class was a piece of cake and I came through with flying colors. My teacher was nice and was helpful when I had questions, which was nice. For this design I painted a piano keys, simple yet classic. We talked a great deal about music history, focusing on influential composers like Bach, Beethoven and Mozart (all of which wrote numerous masterpieces for piano).
This class was definitely a general education class. But given the choices of theatre, art, and music, of course I chose music. I have played clarinet now for almost nine years. Needless to say this class was a piece of cake and I came through with flying colors. My teacher was nice and was helpful when I had questions, which was nice. For this design I painted a piano keys, simple yet classic. We talked a great deal about music history, focusing on influential composers like Bach, Beethoven and Mozart (all of which wrote numerous masterpieces for piano).

Pinkie finger: World Religions
This class was a survey of world religions. We covered indigenous traditions (Native American and oral religions), Asian traditions (Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism), and Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). It was a very interesting class and I enjoyed learning about other religious views other than my own. For this design I painted a Christian cross and the yin yang symbol from Asian traditions.
This class was a survey of world religions. We covered indigenous traditions (Native American and oral religions), Asian traditions (Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism), and Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). It was a very interesting class and I enjoyed learning about other religious views other than my own. For this design I painted a Christian cross and the yin yang symbol from Asian traditions.
Thumb: Weather
Georgia weather is wacky and only getting crazier. This past semester started with a baby blizzard in January that delayed students getting back to campus and even delayed the start of the semester a couple of days. We usually get alot of rain in but we didn't have as much this year as we did last year. Last year I remember walking to class in rain boots at least three or four times a month. Anyways, we ended the semester with a tornado on campus. Yes. I said ON campus. An F2 tornado tore across campus but thankfully nobody was hurt. The only damaged buildings were a couple cottages with holes in the roofs but several cars were squished under tees. The majority of damage were downed trees. We lost over 100 trees and some of them were several hundred years old. The campus looks oddly naked and weird now. But it could have been alot worse, I'm sure; take a look at Ringgold. For this design, I split the nail and painted a snowflake on one half and a tornado with a tree down on the other half.
Georgia weather is wacky and only getting crazier. This past semester started with a baby blizzard in January that delayed students getting back to campus and even delayed the start of the semester a couple of days. We usually get alot of rain in but we didn't have as much this year as we did last year. Last year I remember walking to class in rain boots at least three or four times a month. Anyways, we ended the semester with a tornado on campus. Yes. I said ON campus. An F2 tornado tore across campus but thankfully nobody was hurt. The only damaged buildings were a couple cottages with holes in the roofs but several cars were squished under tees. The majority of damage were downed trees. We lost over 100 trees and some of them were several hundred years old. The campus looks oddly naked and weird now. But it could have been alot worse, I'm sure; take a look at Ringgold. For this design, I split the nail and painted a snowflake on one half and a tornado with a tree down on the other half.
I chose not to list all the products I used for these designs because there were way too many. This post is long enough without a list of fifty different polishes.
Overall, the spring semester of my sophomore year was great. Next comes the intense and no doubt sleepless junior year. Woo.
On a closing note, thank you to my faithful and dedicated readers who read all the way to the bottom. I really appreciate it.
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